Importance of checking stats, conversions after run an Ad


I hope you have understand that “how to run Ads compaign on facebook”. But after running a compaign, never forget to keep checking the stats, to see how your compaign is performing on the Faceook, if you have a company, you have run Ads on facebook, it is important for you to get know the how your Ads are performing. If you are an online worker or a freelancer, you awarded a project of running an Ads compaign, you will also have to checking the stats and providing the data to your employer. For this purpose, you have to check stats regularly.

Facebook Ads
Ads analysis

Check gender: While, checking the stats, one of the most important thing is checking the gender that to which gender the Ad has the most impression rate, I’ll let you clear with an example. Let’s suppose you have a beauty products company, it is sure that your Ad must be show to the female who can buy your products. So, keep checking the gender that whether your Ad is reaching to your desirable gender.

Check age: Checking of age is also very important, keep checking the age that whether the people you are reaching are your desirable audience. Let’s consider another example, Suppose that you have company and you want to hire employees, you run an Ad on internet, So, the important thing is that your Ad is reaching to 20-30 years of old people who are capable of job unlike 16-18 year old who use internet just for entertainment. So, keep checking your audience age.

Check interest: Checking interest is the thing you should have consider before and after paying google or facebook. In facebook Ads, facebook provides you a simple option of selecting audience of your desirable interests. In google Ads, google is providing you a very depth targeting of your audience interests, google provides you the option of choosing specific websites and also videos. So, before and after running Ads please consuder the interests of your audience.

info graphics

For perfect guiding you, I found a video on youtube through which you can easily understand.

Click on the link below.

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