Elon Musk's top 8 secrets to success


Elon Musk's is the 2nd richest man in the world and it seems that in future, he will stay on the first place for a long time because of his incoming project " Starlink" Here, I 'll share with you the 5 secrets of his successful life.

Elon musk 8 secrets of success
Tesla motors

1-Develop reading and learning:

Elon said “You don’t know what you don’t know. You realize there are all these things out there. School education may end but the self-education can never. Is knowledge and determination While you and I sing the songs in the toilet. Elon musk absorbed the world encyclopedia and his knowledge and determination grew with his age. Can you say same as your reading habits? Reading social media posts is not reading actually. Reading means to get deep in the book to get new information and expand your knowledge. Reading always give you new insights and ideas. It is very clear that the biggest earners are the biggest learners in the society.

2-Don’t waste all your money on advertising and branding:

Elon musk doesn’t waste his money on advertising his products. Instead he asks himself that would this activity result in a better product or service. If not, I should stop those efforts. I myself relay a lot on advertising and marketing. But the musk’s point is too correct that a top-quality product will give a top-quality profit as well. You just focus on the goal of your life and success will follow you.

3-Take risks as early as you can:

The best time to choose a profession and be an entrepreneur is when you are young. Most of the people say that we will look for our profession after 18 or 20 and when they get a skill, start a job and their obligations increase and they are not in a position for taking a risk and their whole life spend as a middle-class person and at the end they say that all happened is their fate. This is completely wrong, I would say to take risks from now, don’t look at your age, do something bold, you won’t regret on it. As you get older and older, risks taking has a big impact on you and your children. Life is too-short.

4-Don’t look on the clock:

Elon Musk is very hard working for his work ethic. He often works up to 100 hours a week in his multiple companies. I am not saying that you also have to work 100 hours a week but you can seek a motivation from his hard working.  Keep looking at the clock can make you lazy enough that you could forget you task and time and other unnecessary things will get in your way. Don’t also sacrifice your health and potential but work as much as you can afford to become successful in this life which is full of hurdles.

5-Love the stakeholders like family:

The best leaders treat their customers and co-workers like their family. Elon Musk regularly expresses gratitude to his customers through social sites like Twitter. It may be small gestures but people notice. Many executives have learned from musk, such as Mualik Parekh, president and CEO at SPi CRM. “Our most valuable assets are our people” he explains “if we take care of them, then they take care of our business. What we do for our people is what we do for our customers. The wins for our employees create winds for our customers. Like Musk, take some steps outside your corner office to build cornerstones of your business through employee and customer relationship.

6-Plan for success but prepare for failure:

We all should hope to be successful but there is no guarantee that you ‘ll be successful. Eve Elon Musk couldn’t predict that how Tesla Motors would turn out. He said” If something is important enough you should try even if the probable outcome is failure”. If you care about your dream, you should put each and every effort to fulfil it. But be ready for the other side in which it doesn’t work out. Having a backup plan is sign of the intelligent and the successful person. It is very easy to recover from failure if you have a backup plan.

7-Become a trend-maker:

Following the trend going on is really helpful for a business but Elon said” Don’t just follow the trend” The most successful companies always follow the trend of making trends and focus on creating something new. They don’t try to chase the competition. Apple is the world’s biggest brand because Steve Jobs always focused on creating new innovations which later on became trends. Musk said “Stand out by focusing on what makes you unique instead of chasing others”.


8-Find something good in what you do:

Elon Musk said” If you make something that has high value to people…and frankly, even if it’s something, if it’s like just a little game or some improvement in photo sharing or something, if it has a small amount of good for a large number of people, I think that’s fine. Stuff doesn’t need to change the world just to be good.” Look the positive aspect of your work. No matter how small, it will help you be more motivated. You don’t change the whole world to do good. But you should always try to provide real value.

I hope that adopting the habits and the mindset of Elon Musk will help you towards your goal. Your hard work will result as big success in your future.

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