6 ways to make an impact in the world – Steve jobs


Steve Jobs was the founder of the Apple company which is the world biggest brand of mobile phones and computers. Steve did not make just a company, he made a brand which is being used and preferred all over the world.

Steve jobs was the man who has made an enormous impact in this digital world. Steve jobs was the man who brought poetry to the microchips. He will be remembered as the revolutionary who has made a big impact in this world of technology.

His work made him the biggest celebrity in the digital world. But unlike other children, in his childhood he was given for adoption and always remained thankful to his loving adoptive parents.

Steve job was a storm-brained teenager and learn very quickly than his fellows. There are certain lessons in his life which can help anyone to make an impact in the world.

Following are the seven things which we can seek from his life in order to become a revolutionary person.

6 ways to make an impact in the world
Steve Jobs

1-Always follow your passion:

Steve Jobs always believe that always follow your passion and don’t run to the work which is irrelevant for you, just for the sake of money. You can become successful by following your passion continuously. An old saying is: “The men whose job is his passion is luckiest one”. Steve Job was not graduate from a high class university rather than he was dropped out from the college he got bored of the typical education system and start following his passion which later on inspired him to come up with the amazing fonts of Mac.

2. Not getting distracted:

Steve Jobs was very focused on his goal and it is limited to the products created by him. Steve Jobs used to stare at the people while talking to them without blinking. He always listened to his customer with a silence and then give the answer in fast-paced manner. His dedication and focus was the reason that the people most of the time convinced by him. He used to stay at the limited projects at the time to keep his attention at the particular task.

3-Keeping simplicity:

Simplicity is one of the major ideas of the Steve Jobs and he know simplicity always attracts. Staying remain focus on the development was not just the reason behind the Steve’s simplicity; he went further into the topic. His focus was on creating such products that are very unique than others. According to Steve Jobs, a person should always be dedicated to the simple solutions of the problems. His simplicity is seen in his Apple products.

4- Experimenting more:

Experimenting was an important part of Steve Jobs career and according to him there is always an another side of the coin and can’t remember when it wears off but you actually know it. He believed that the experimenting is far better than stay desperate.

5. Don’t care about people:

There were times when Steve Jobs believed that not to care about the people that what would they think. He was no ashamed to putting his feet on a table during meetings which shows that how strong he believes that he did not care about the people.

6. More money is not equal to more success:

Steve Jobs became billionaire but he never said that the money has never motivated him. According to him, the product, nor the profit, was the motivation in his life. For him,

was the main goal and mean a lot more than the money because he knew that all if he will get successful all the other things will come as a by-product. This is the reason why Apple every time finds a way to survive in this continuously changing world.

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