How to get orders on Fiverr as a beginner 2021?


How to get orders on Fiverr?
How to get orders on Fiverr

Most of the world’s workforce is going Freelance. Because freelancing is the name of freedom. In freelancing, you have the liberty to pick the projects of your own choice, pick up your own work hours and you can make unlimited money. In the recent world, self-employment is a dream of almost everybody. Who does not want to be his/her own boss and work hard to build a secure and successful career where they can be financially independent.

The popularity of the freelancing and the freelance sites is on its peak. In the competition when all freelance marketplaces are promoting a direct bidding model, Fiverr, a freelance marketplace works like an E-commerce store where people are selling their services like products on E- commerce store. Buyers come on the website, search for the services, they want to buy, see different Gigs. When they like a Gig which is basically a service showcasing pictures, description, price and a timeline, they buy a Gig by placing the order. The freelancer whose service is purchased, just like an E-commerce product, delivers the work on the time and gets paid.

This is actually how Fiverr works. Fiverr is getting popularity day-by-day because orders on Fiverr extend from $5 to $10k unlike other freelance marketplaces in which the budget of the all the projects are almost same amount. Another big difference between the Fiverr and the other freelance marketplaces like UpWork and Freelancer is that on those websites, client post a project, a relevant freelancer which has same niche, bid on the project and if the employer like the proposal, he/she will award the project to the particular freelancer. 

As a freelancer on Fiverr, you don’t have a much control on your Gig but if you do certain things, there is a chance that your Gig ‘ll appear on the top of the search results and could be purchased.

So, the main point here is that which factors make Gig promoted on Fiverr and have many chances of being purchased.

Let’s look little deep and put an eye on the factors which make a Gig promoted and which a Gig can attracts a lot of orders.

1- Title and Tags:

Here is the most important part of your Gig to get started. Do all the points given below and make Title and Tags which can rank your Gig in Fiverr results.

1. First, find out the right and the most searched keywords for the category you want to create a Gig for.

2. Search on Fiverr about your niche and make sure that the results are sorted by relevance.

3. Open at least 5 Gigs which will appear on the top.

4. Write the title and the tags of all that five Gigs in your Notepad.

5. Note that what is the common keyword in all those Titles and also same for Tags.

6. Shortlist five most used Titles and Tags.

7. After the process is done, create the title of your Gig carefully.

8. Select your category and sub-category. 

9. Now, write the Tags that you have short-listed above because you have to follow the footprints of the most successful Gigs. 

Click on the save & continue button. This is the most important phase of the Gig. 

2- Packages:

Packages include price per work. Many popular Gigs include Basic, moderate and premium packages. In basic budget is low and work is also less. In moderate, Budget is medium and the work is also moderate. In premium, price is a lot and it is a long term project. By doing the certain things in packages, you can create an effective package. 

1. Search your main keywords in Fiverr.

2. Make sure results are sorted by best Selling.

3. Open 10 Gigs from the first page.

4. Read their packages carefully

5. Find out that what is common in all those packages.

6. Pick all those packages and create packages by looking at the most successful Gigs.

3- Description

1. Most people usually write a long description but I think that a concise description is better than writing a long description. Follow the points below to write a perfect description.

2. The first line should contain your main keyword.

3. In the paragraph, you should write what you basically do and the result of your previous projects.

4. In a new paragraph, you should ask a question and provide a path for client to reach out to you. It is so important.

5. Need to describe your work structure that how you work and then an amazing offer.

6. You should provide a detailed explanation of your service and make sure that the key pints are in the bullets.

7. Reason to choose you from thousands of freelancers, a why me point is very important which can attract buyer.

4- Images and videos:

Images are the factors which attract the buyer. Do all the things given below to make an effective image.

1. Whatever you have do in the first two points, repeat this for images as well.

2.  The images in the Gig should be nicely created, attractive and eye-catchy. An attractive image could attract buyers and they will click on the thumbnail.

3. You can use Canva or if you have a graphic designer friend for attractive thumbnail.

4. Videos also have a lot of importance because with video client will aware of your communication skills.

5. Most of the top rated Gigs have videos, I also prefer you to put a video in your Gig which explains your service.

 5- Promote your Gigs:

The promotion of the Gigs plays a big role in getting orders and branding the Gig. Social media is the biggest tool of promoting your services. You can make pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked on. These platforms make your Gig public and help you in social media- branding. You can create posts on the pages which describe your services. Give link to your Gig so if anyone want to purchase your service from social media, he/she will redirect on your Gig and the project will complete through Fiverr and your Gig will upgrade. While posting posts on social networks always use hashtags (#) because it helps you to reach out you to a big audience.

After following the 5 key points, I believe that you will get projects as soon as possible.

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  1. Very Nice, helpful, and informative article for freelancers.
