What is pay per click(ppc) and what is conversion rate


In our previous posts, we learned how to run Ads compaign on facebook and Google Adwords, but some important things to consider are still left to become a professional digital advertiser, one of the most important thing is pay per click mechanism also written as ppc.

While, running an Ad on Google, you would have noticed that Google ask you that whether you want more impressions on viewer’s screen or you want to get more clicks and traffic on your website by using pay per click mechanism, and the most important thing is that according to a survey, most people use and recommend pay per click in their paid ads

The pay per click mechanism means that you will pay only in case of clicking by users. If the user doesn’t click on your Ad the particular advertising platform will not charge from your pocket. This is very effective way of increasing traffic on your website or on an online store.

What is pay per click
pay per click

The rate per click varies from one platform to the other, but if we consider a search engine like Google, which maintains its Ads by Google adwords. Google will show Ads of one who pay the Google most, then who pay less than him, then who pay less than the second one, then who pay less than the third one and so on. Let’s consider an example, there are four men want to run their garments Ads in Google search result. First man pays 4$, second pays 3$, third pays 2$, fourth pays 1$. In Google search results the Ad of first man will appear on the top, the Ad of the second person will appear on the second result and so on.

Advantages of pay per click:

1.    You can get your desirable traffic with your desirable price.

2.    You get guaranteed traffic unlike in impression mechanism in which the promotion is not guaranteed.

3.    You can calculate your budget and spend it easily.

4.    No one will charge if user not click on your Ad.

Click on link for visual information.


Conversion rate: After run an Ad, the importance of keep checking conversion rate is very important, conversion rate is the rate of going of a user by clicking on your ad to your website, if you spend a lot of money just on running Ads and then you don’t see the conversion rate, then you are not a professional digital advertiser. In Google adwords, you have a tool of conversion. I prefer you to check it after running the Ads compaign because the this is compulsory for a digital advertiser.

What is conversion rate
Conversion rate

For complete guidance I found a video on youtube, click on the link below.


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