How to make money blogging in 2021


How to earn money from blogging in 2021
How to make money blogging

If you think that blogging is no more than a hobby and you can’t make money from blogging, then your too wrong. You can make a handsome income from blogging. We are here to tell you that how can you make money from blogging in 2021?

We will tell to start a blog and make money, how to create a blog, blogs that make money, best blogging platforms to make money and how to make money blogging from home.

We will cover following topics in this article

1- How to start blogging

2- how to find your niche

3- how to get traffic on your blog

4- how to make money from blogging

If you have not been associated with the field of technology, you can find blogging little minefield but if you have earned inline before from YouTube or Freelancing etc. You will find blogging very easy and straight forward.

How to start blogging:

When it comes to starting-off with blogging, there are two options, you can choose a free blogging platform or you can also make your own website for blogging. I will take you through both of them and I will also guide you.

1-Blogging with free domain:

There are numbers of platforms which are offering you to make a blog with zero money and they will give a free domain for it. Most of the people say that the free blogging is useless, it is limiting, you can’t make money from free blogging, you can’t rank on Google etc. These statements are wrong in my point of you because I think there is very little difference between both of them.

The only drawback of free blogging is that your URL will be like www.” means a brand name will attach with your URL but it is not a big deal since, they are providing you free hosting.

I know some of the free blogging platforms don’t allow you to place banner adverts or any affiliate links on your site. Some of the popular free blogging platforms are as follows: Blogger is the Google free blog hosting service which is so simple to use. You can also monetize your free website with blogger. This is a free basic hosting service which also easy to use but you can’t put ads on it. Medium is mostly used by the journalists and writers. Only those people use medium whose hobby is blogging not money making.

So, medium and Word Press are not for you if you want to make money. I will prefer you to choose blogger as a beginner in blogging because it is really simple to use and also you can make a nice income with its free hosting service.

If you don’t believe that you can make money with blogger, just look at the URL of my site, blogspot is mentioned. It means that this website in which you are reading the post is a blogger website. Look at the theme, which is also professional and Google Ads are also displaying on my website. If you click on this Ad, I will receive money in my Adsense account.

The customization options in blogger are little limited but not too much. So, as beginner in blogging use Blogger for your blog because you don’t have to invest a single dollar.

2- Blogging with your own website:

Paid blogging website is best for those who are dedicated to blogging and want to make a huge money. In this type, you have full control over the customization of your website but you have to pay. First for the URL (domain name) and then for hosting.

If you have not been associated with tech, the idea of creating your own website might seem little difficult but it is not too difficult. Since, it is already a paid service you can pay someone for making your website. If you don’t want to pay anything choose blogger.

With your own website, you will be able to create your own branding because you have your own URL and also it is your authority.

You can choose WordPress because it has a large range of templates, take time and decide which template matches your blog.

How to select topic of your blog:

How to select blog topic
How to select blog topic

·        This is the most easier but the most complicated and important part of your blog. I will prefer you to choose such niche in which you have excess knowledge and your interest is also in that. People don’t do something different while choosing blog name.

·        Do following things to choose a best topic for your blog:

·        See other blogs related to your topic and see which are successful. Find the gaps and the missing things on them

·        Choose such topic which is in-demand. Use google suggested searches for this purpose. Don’t choose such a topic which has zero value in the market.

·        It is good to choose such topic which has a longevity. Rack current trends on the internet. You can also use Twitter for find some trends. You can also use Google trends which is a fantastic tool.

·        Think about your content that what can you do. You can provide people “How to Guides”, interviews, product reviews and lists of anything.

·        You can’t write on such topics in which you have zero interests. So, choose such a topic in which you are highly interested.

After doing all these things you will be able to choose a perfect blog topic for you.

How to attract visitors on your blog:

After you make a perfect blog, everything is brilliant but without visitors your blog is like a pan without egg.

Don’t expect that people will magically find your blog. You have to do a lot of work to attract visitors and make your blog populated.

Methods of promoting your blog are as follows:

1-Promote your blog on social media:

More than 50% of the traffic on my blog comes from social media. If you are an internet and you don’t have social media accounts, then you are not an internet user actually.

I will recommend you to setup your blog pages on every popular social media platform. You can make pages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter and Pinterest. Design these pages similar to your website.

When you share a post on your blog also share it on the social media pages. It can help you to reach a big audience. If you want to reach your blog to a larger audience, you can also use paid advertising tool.

Major paid advertising platforms include Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Twitter ads etc. Once you get followers with promotion, post content regularly and keep the visitors in touch.

2- Keep in-touch with other bloggers:

Other bloggers are your competitors but you will be surprised that how supportive the bloggers community is. Many bloggers exchange backlinks with other bloggers to increase their SEO. SEO means that how likely your blog will appear in search engines results like Google.

If you keep in touch with other bloggers, you will be benefitted in many ways. You can also exchange traffic. You can also write guest posts on each other blogs to get traffic. There are many groups of bloggers community on Facebook in which they help each other, you can join those group.

3- Follow the trends:

If something which is related to your niche, write on it. It will help you gain some more exposure and also with the traffic.

Let’s consider that your blog is related to international political issues the it is obvious that new news will come every day. So, write those issues and write your opinions about that.

4- Learn SEO:

SEO is now the trend in market. The bloggers who know how to SEO their content their blogs are on top of the Google search but those who don’t know SEO, they can’t lift their content from bottom to top. So, learn some SEO from YouTube or any course available on internet.

For SEO of content, the most important thing is keyword research, if you do proper research before publishing a post on your blog, your article will definitely rank in Google. You can use some free keyword planner tool. You can use Google keyword planner in Google Ads which is total free of cost.

How to make money from Blogging in 2021:

Let’s come to the topic which you found on the title of this blog post that how to make money from blogging. When I searched on y keyword tool about title of this blog post, I was amazed that “How to make money blogging” is being searched 300k per month on Google.

Once you make your blog perfect for users by posting rich content, you can finally start looking at the ways in which you can make money from blogging.

Following are the best ways to earn from blogging:

1- Add banner Ads to your website:

As a visual way of advertising, you can sell banner advertising space on your blog page to brand which are related to your visitors. Banner Ads can be placed anywhere in your blog page.

The most common places are on the top of the page, in the side bae and at the bottom. You can see on this blog as well.

You can earn money by banner ads by two ways i:e; CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions). Cost per click means that you will pay if a reader clicks on the banner ad on your blog and cost per thousand impressions means that you will get paid if an Ad will appear thousands time in front of readers.

The cost of CPC and CPM depends upon your Ads network, country of your reader, device of your reader and CTR (click through rate). 

The best Ad network is a platform by Google for publishers “Google Adsense”. I also use a Google Adsense, you can generate a decent income with Google Adsense.

2- Take advantage of affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing works by inserting the links of different E-commerce stores in the text of your blog. Every time a user clicks on that text and purchase a product from that E-commerce store, you will get revenue according to that store.

Many e-commerce stores have affiliate program like Amazon, E-bay, ASOS and Apple etc.

Affiliate marketing is a natural fit for a lot of bloggers. As a blogger, you are also recommending some products and services to your readers. It is so easy to find relevant programs and earn commission.

You can also write review articles about the products of that e-commerce store to which you are associated with. Always write honest reviews and encourage people to buy that product.

3- Write sponsored content:

According to some bloggers, the best way to monetize a blog is to offer sponsored content opportunities. These are adverts in the form of paid for the articles.

For instance, if I am associated with Amazon and Amazon brings a new product like a Black Hoodie, then I will write a review blog post which tells everything good and bad in the product, sizes, prices and colors etc.

4- Write guest posts for media outlets:

If you are on the top in your niche.  Members of Press will somehow reach to you and ask for make an appearance on their website.

 For example, if you are a good motivator. Some press members will ask you write some motivational articles for their newspaper.

This could be very helpful and the newspapers pays more than you think.

5-  Sell digital products on your blog website:

If you have some skills and advices to offer, you can give access to your e-books, video tutorials and courses to your readers by charging from them.

For this option, you have to prove that you are incredibly outclass in your niche. This is not too easy. It can be difficult to convince readers to buy your digital product. You need to have a big traffic and fan-base of your website.

6- Promote your own business and get your employer attention from your blog:

You can use your blog to promote your business and land yourself in a job. If you are one of the people who sell products online. Your own blog is the best platform to promote your business.

You can also use your blog as an online portfolio and you get jobs if easily if your blog is mind-blowing.

For example, if I am a freelancer or a freelance writer who work on different freelance marketplaces, I will display my blog to my employers to satisfy them that I can write perfect articles for you.

But before quit-off, let me tell you something that you can’t monetize your blog overnight. If you want to make full-time income with blogging, you have to work hard with your blog.

Ignore the naysayers who say that you are just wasting your time etc. Focus on your website, make it better than all of your competitors. Watch videos and tutorials to make your blog user-friendly and for increase its SEO. Post content regularly on your blog. Believe me that you can live a happy life as a blogger.

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